Notes on Git and GitHub

Notes on Git and GitHub

What is Git?

Git is the most popular version-control system. There are other version-control systems such as Subversion.

What is version-control system?

It saves -

  • What changes was made to the source code?

  • Who made the changes?

  • When was the changes made?

Why we use a version-control system?

  • If an error was introduced to the source code, we can go to a previous version of code which did not have that error.

  • If many people are working on the same source code, we can manage who makes what changes to the code.

Download and Update Git

Start Git

  • Run git init

  • This will create a folder: .git

  • This is where history is saved.

Git Commands

  • git status: See what items are untracked/staged.

    • Untracked: Item is not on staging area.

      • Staging Area: Git can only process items on the staging area. Items must be put on the staging area before any work can be done.
    • Staged: Item is in staging area.

  • git add . : Add items to the staging area

    • '.' means all items in the current directory.

    • Replace '.' with folder name to stage a particular item.

  • git commit -m "message": Store items in staging area to history.

  • git restore --staged .: Remove item from staging area to untracked.

  • git log: See history.

  • git reset fea46a6ef9c48a621b941cf04802930f8635e480: Go back to a particular commit. All commits have a code associated with it which can be seen when git log is run.